Knights of the frozen throne best legendaries
Knights of the frozen throne best legendaries

knights of the frozen throne best legendaries knights of the frozen throne best legendaries knights of the frozen throne best legendaries

Rogue got three Secrets this expansion, and they all look like they will have some use. Really great tool and the card that will only get stronger as we get new Secrets and Secret support in the upcoming expansions of the year, which we sure hope it will be the case.

knights of the frozen throne best legendaries

This means you can chain up to five Secrets on turn 10 if you choose only Rogue, Hunter and Paladin secrets. But if you then play, for example, Paladin secret, next choice will be Hunter, Mage and Rogue, etc. It is important to note that you will always get three secrets from three different classes When you play Rogue secret, you will be offered a choice between Hunter, Mage and Paladin secret. You can play Hanar later in the game and chain-play Secrets you discover. But that's not even the best-case scenario. Finally some support for the Rogue Secrets and oh boy - this is a great support! Perfect stats distribution for a minion you want to survive when you drop it on turn 2 since 5 damage is really hard to deal this early. Next one is the Rogue Legendary Shadowjeweler Hanar. You would also play it in Galakrond Warrior or some kind of a new Tempo Warrior. But it is generally good in almost any Warrior deck. I reckon that Karhath will be a staple part of a new Highlander Warrior, possibly including Hack the System to replace Dr Boom as a late-game value generator. It can clear just about any big threat in the late state of the game, and survive in most of these trades, which will clear opponents big threat, give you 10 Armor and leave you with 10/x minion on the board for the opponent to deal with it. It has an instant effect on the game both in terms of board control and in terms of survivability. And his Prime version is simply a saviour card, something to secure wins against many archetypes. It offers excellent early game board control, which can both help you not to fall behind and maybe even trade 2-for-1 since the statline is quite formidable for a four mana Rush minion - 4/4 is about as good as you can hope. But I think that he will be the staple card of many Warrior archetypes, simply because it is a great utility card. Not many people are considering Kargath as one of the top cards of this expansion, simply because it is amongst the least flashy "Prime" cards of the set.

Knights of the frozen throne best legendaries